fredag 21. november 2014


Newt Gingrich, a US Senator, made waves in des. 2011, when he referred to the Palestinians as an “invented” people.
“Remember, there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman Empire. We have invented the Palestinian people, who are in fact Arabs and are historically part of the Arab people, and they had the chance to go many places,” said Newt Gingrich in an interview with the Jewish Channel.
The remarks drew broad criticism from the left and the right.
Negotiator for the Palestinian Authority (PA), Saeb Erekat, responded by saying this is "the most racist remark I've ever heard."
PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad described Gingrich comments as "a totally unacceptable distortion of historical truth”

Republican presidential candidate in 2011 Newt Gingrich, came under fire for saying that Palestinians are an “invented” people. 

Gingrich, who has a doctorate in modern European history, did not draw the statement: "What I said is historically true"
And Daniel Pipes, who is an American historian, writer, and political commentator, insists Gingrich was right in what he said. And there are many with similar views - There’s no such thing as a Palestinian, says Mike Huckabee US Congress.

Gingrich's comments have touched some sensitive points,
not only among the Palestinian Arabs, but also in political circles in Western countries where the alleged existence of a Palestinian people serves as the basis to support a two-state solution. This is why the topic received so much media coverage afterwards.

The two-state solution is built on an acceptance of the claim that there is a Palestinian people who have been robbed of their land, nation and holy places.

If there never was such a nation, in the past two millennia; never was a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem; has never been a Palestinian king, or sultan; Never found a distinct Palestinian culture; Never a specifically Palestinian territory; never any Palestinian national poets and never a bright Palestinian history,
than the legitimacy of the "Palestinian cause" is severely damaged.

And the answer is that a people and a nation is a combination of all the cases mentioned above.

Who are the Palestinians? An Arab Invention:

The history of the ancient Philistines.
The ancient Palestinian history, you will find mainly in the Bible.
There you can read a lot about the Philistines in the time of King Saul and King David.

The Philistines originally had its history from Crete. The Old Testament indicates that around the 14th century B.C. during the days of Joshua, they lived on the coast of Canaan. There, they built their five cities: Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gath, and Ekron (Joshua 13:3).
and they disappeared from history in the 6th century BC, at the time when the Babylonians invaded Judah

Jewish history in the same area?
According to history, the Jews have been in the area a lot longer.
There are historical evidence of King David's kingdom three thousand years ago, as the Tel Dan inscription, or “House of David” inscription.
In "The Jewish War" the author Flavius ​​Josephus  (AD 37 -93) describes the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD.

The Menorah, carried in a Roman triumph after the 70 CE Siege of Jerusalem (original relieffrom the Arch of Titus, Rome).

Later, the Jewish leader Bar Kokhba started a revolt against the Roman Empire in 132 CE, establishing an independent Jewish state. His state was conquered by the Romans in 135 Following a two and half-year war. And the Roman Emperor Hadrian cursed the Jewish People and decreed that Judea should be henceforth called "Palestine" after the Philistines, an ancient enemy of Israel that had disappeared from the world's stage more than 700 years earlier. This was Rome final showdown with the Jewish people, after wars, massacres, persecutions, and exiles that had largely extinguished the Jewish presence from Judea. 

The Palestinian people disappeared from the history many centuries earlier than the Jews, and the ancient Palestinians have no connection to the Palestinian Arabs today.
Especially among the Bedouins there are many who have Jewish roots and Jewish genes.

The Jewish people base their claim to the land of Israel on at least two premises:
1) the Jewish people settled and developed the land in ancient time,
The Jews are actually indigenous to this area and have every right to be there through the UN charter for indigenous rights, far more than the Palestinian Arabs.
2) The international community granted political sovereignty in Palestine to the Jewish people in 1922.

The establishment of Israel as a state.
Israel has a strong foundation in international law.
But among Western politicians and media to day, there is much ignorance.

The foundation of the state of Israel was formed after World War I.
The peace process after the World War I, and the British takeover of Ottoman land, in the Middle East, was administered by the League of Nations.

It all started with the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.
San Remo conference the following year.
The peace process ended with The Treaty of Lausanne in 1924.

The San Remo Conference in 1920.
There came the great powers who won the World War I, together to
continue the work they started in Paris the year before, to create a new Europe.

Three great empires had vanished, the Habsburg Empire, the Ottoman Empire and Germany.
And the map of Europe was to be drawn up again, new nation-states arose.
This kind of national thinking was also expressed when it came to the Ottoman Middle East. In San Remo the Jewish people's historical roots came on the table, the Jewish connection to Jerusalem and this land area in the Middle East,
and the San Remo Conference approved the Balfour declaration of a Jewish national home in Palestine.
In San Remo 1920, the Jews were recognized as a people with historical rights in Palestine.
The peace conference reconstituted (restored)
the Jewish national home, based on historical facts.

In 1922, the League of Nations approved what was done in San Remo, and gave the mandatory authority to the UK for the geographical area of Palestine.
And in this mandate was established, that Britain would give the land such political, administrative and economic conditions that would ensure the establishment of a Jewish national home.
It should also be organized for Jewish immigration.

The UN Charter Article 80, states that all the League of Nations
agreements for land and people, can not be broken.

But to day, the UN, and the international community tries to create a Palestinian state in this aria (the West Bank and Gaza), in conflict with the San Remo conference, and the League of Nations .

In the international community today, The partition plan for Palestine in 1947,
is considered as the foundation of the state of Israel?
With the UN Resolution 181 in 1947, this area that the Jews had received in 1922, was divided once again, in violation to the League of Nations mandate, and also in violation with UN Charter Article 80, who said that previously agreed international legal agreements
to land and people, could not be broken.

Dr. Jacques Gauthier, about Israel's international legal status:

But what about the Arabs, and their connection to this land?
In 1922, when Churchill was British minister for the colonies, he gave 3/4 of the Palestinian Mandate to the Arabs, so the Arabs really got their share of the Palestine Mandate.

According to the San Remo conference, the Jews could settle in the entire Palestine Mandate.
But Churchill changed this, and divided the mandate between Arabs and Jews, where Jews could only settle west of the Jordan River.
But Arabs from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt immigrated to the Jewish part of the British Mandate in the 20s and 30s, which was granted the Jews.
The reason for this was that the Jews and the British, created employment by industry and agricultural colonies.
There are clear evidence of this emigration, in newspapers and books that were written in the Palestine Mandate period, and also The British Hope-Simpson commission of 1930, proposed to limit the Arab Immigration into this area.

The Faisal – Weizmann Agreement. Arab-Jewish cooperation.
Emir Feisal from Mecca, (son of the King of Hejaz) attended the peace conference in Paris in 1919, as the Arab representative, and Chaim Weizmann (later President of the World Zionist Organization) as the Jewish representative.
They came together before the Peace Conference in Paris January 1919, and signed an agreement, about Arab-Jewish cooperation on the establishment of a Jewish and an Arab nation (Faisal-Weizmann Agreement)

They presented their case and received support from the Peace Conference.
But the Arabs did not get the major Arab state they wanted, the area was divided into Mesopotamia, Lebanon and Syria. And they got Jordan from the British.

All Arab states are inventions of the last century; inventions made by the European colonial powers. It was for example no Jordanians in the eighteenth century. Under the British Mandate, all citizens of the Mandate territory of both Jews and Arabs, were called "Palestinians."  So if the Palestinians, as we know them today existed at the time, how could the British use this terminology for both groups?
In the British mandate period, as mentioned above, all the inhabitants of the British Palestine Mandate were called Palestinians, and the Arabs in the area were strongly opposed to the concept. It was seen as an European colonial power-invention.
Similarly, why did the UN Partition Plan of 1947 called for the establishment of a Jewish and an Arab state, It should have been called "the Jewish and the Palestinian State"? The answer is obvious, there were no Palestinians - There were Arabs. The Arabs of the British Palestine Mandate was not considered a separate entity, as a distinct people, but as part of the Arab people.

Today, the Arabs have 21 states and the Jews one.

Today we know that England and France did not follow up the mandated responsibility they had been given by the League of Nations.
They acted as colonizers, and took little account that they managed a mandate with clear commitments and promises.
What upset the Arabs was the division of the Middle East by Britain and France (The Sykes-Picot Agreement)
The British also laid limitation on Jewish immigration to Palestine, which was contrary to the League of Nations provisions of the Palestine mandate. (The White Paper of 1939)
When Hitler came to power, many Jews were unable to get in to Palestine, because of these  limitation. (European countries did not let the Jews into their own countries) and many Jews ended up in Hitler's concentration camps because of British restrictions.

Jewish demonstration against White Paper in Jerusalem, 1939

The League of Nation had no major sanctions over Britain and France's violation of the mandate rules.
At that time as today, power reigns.
But Jews and Arabs got their historical rights from the League of Nations, with clear borders of the British and French mandated documents.

Some facts about the situation in Palestine and the Arab world, before the British took over The Palestine mandate, after the World War I.
In Ottoman times, 80-90% of the Arab people were illiterate.
Before 1900 there was only one newspaper in the Arab world, which was produced in Paris and was released in Beirut.
The part of the population who could read and write were wealthy families who lived in Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad, Jerusalem and Cairo.
The dominant families in Jerusalem, was the Husayni and Nashashibi families, and some few families more.
These families sent their sons to school in England and France.
Another influential family were the Hadi family in Nablus.
These families became politically active after the World War I.
According to people who traveled the country in Ottoman times, the rest of the people were Bedouins and poor villagers.
Mark Tvain traveled through Palestine in 1867, and experienced a sparsely populated country, with impoverished villagers and much disease. One can read about his journey in the book "The Innocents Abroad" that can be read on the internet.

In addition to Mark Twain, there are many travelers who gives a similar description of the country, as Samuel Manning who traveled the country in 1874 and Colonel CR Conder who traveled through Palestine in 1872 and in 1880.
Throughout the Ottoman period of 400 years there were Jewish immigration into the Jews' ancient homeland.
When the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492. The Jews were well received by the Ottoman sultan of Turkey, and later on they went to Jerusalem, Safed, Hebron and Tiberias, that become Jewish towns in the Ottoman period.

From 1881 a large number of Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe settled in Palestine, one aliyah after the other with Jewish immigrants until WW I.
The Ottoman Empire was a Muslim kingdom, with many different peoples and religions, and Jews became numerous in the area, especially the Jewish population in Jerusalem, but long before this immigration of Jews from Eastern Europe began in 1882, the Jews in Jerusalem were the largest ethnic group.
And the question is whether it has ever existed a Palestinian Jerusalem?
It must then be under Emperor Hadrian in the first century AD. He called the land of the Jews' "Palestine" but it didn't last long. When Caliph Umar conquered Jerusalem in 637, he called it "the land of the Jews"
The area has for 2000 years never been a separate country with Jerusalem as its capital.

In 1948 there were 100,000 Jews living in Jerusalem, many in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City and east Jerusalem, and 60,000 Arabs were living there at that time. Jerusalem has not at any time been a Palestinian city, and the last two hundred years, neither a city with Arabic Majority.

The British mandate period.
When it comes to the British mandate period, there is a lot of myths about how Jews and the British collaborated, to suppress the Arabs in the area. Often the exact opposite happened, especially in the 30s, where the British laid major restrictions on the Jews.
It was the wealthy Arab families who oppressed peasants and poor people.

In 1919, some members of these wealthy families in Jerusalem, led by Haj Amin al-Husseini attended the Pan-Syrian Congress held in Damascus, where they supported Emir Faisal from Mecca, as King of Syria.
The idea then, was not a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, but an Arab state, with Damascus as its capital.

From being Ottoman land without borders, the area was divided between England and France after World War I. The French and British mandates in
the Middle East, became four independent Arab states in the 1940s.
But a Jewish state in this area, was for political reasons out of the question for the British government at the time, because of Arab resistance.
In 1917 the Balfour Declaration gave the Jews the right to a national home in Palestine, as mentioned before, and in 1922 the Balfour Declaration was approved by the League of Nations.
And this Jewish national home on the west side of the Jordan River had its own flag in the British mandate period.

But among these Arab upper class families, Jews and Christians were considered Dimmies, second-class people,
so this idea of a Jewish state in this Muslim area, was never accepted by the leading Arab families in Palestine and the Arab world.
In particular the idea met strong resistance from The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husaini, who later collaborated with Hitler during WW II

Much of the unrest and revolt that occurred in Palestine in the years from1920
to 1940, was caused by The Grand Mufti.

In 1937 the Peel Commission of Inquiry set out to propose changes to the British Mandate for Palestine following the outbreak of the 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine.
One of the grievances from some of the wealthy families in Jerusalem to the Peel Commission, was that the Jews acquired Palestinian Arab land.
Funny enough, it was this Arab landowners families in Jerusalem who sold land to the Jewish National Fund.
According to the Peel Commission report, Arab allegations regarding Jewish land purchase were unfounded. "Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it was purchased...There was at the time of the earlier sales little evidence that the owners possessed either the resources or training needed to develop the land."

The opportunities the Arabs had to create a Palestinian state?
Although it was against the League of Nations decisions for the Palestine mandate, this Palestinian state could have been established as early as 1937, if the Arabs had agreed.

But the Arabs said no to a Palestinian state!
The Arab spokesman Auni Bey Abdul Hadi, of the Palestinian delegation to the London Conference was strongly against the conclusion of the Peel Commission, and rejected totally the idea of a Palestinian state

On 29 November 1947 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution recommending the adoption and implementation of the UN Partition Plan for Palestine.
The proposed plan was accepted by the leaders of the Jewish community in Palestine, through the Jewish Agency.

The plan was rejected by the states of the Arab League 
What is interesting here is that the Arab states rejected the idea of a Palestinian state, and after the war between the Arab states and Israel in 1948-49, Jordan and Egypt occupied what was left of the Palestinian Arab state, the West Bank and Gaza.

In 1946, prof. Hitti was the first Arab-American witness at the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine.
An American member of the committee, recalled that Hitti, explained that there was actually no such entity as Palestine- never had been; it was historically part of Syria, and "the Sunday schools” have done a great deal of harm to us because by smearing the walls of classrooms with maps of Palestine.

I will also quote another prominent Arab politician, Ahmed al Shukariy, a heavyweight in Arab and Palestinian politics
Born in south Lebanon and studying law in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he became a prominent lawyer in British-Palestine and a member of the Syrian delegation to the United Nations from 1949 to 1951.
He was an assistant Secretary General for the Arab League from 1950–56, Saudi ambassador to the United Nations from 1957 to 1962. 
He is an example that Arabs are a distinct people, as he has served in several Arab countries.
At the 1964 Arab League summit (Cairo), he was given a mandate to initiate contacts aimed at establishing a Palestinian entity. In May 1964, he was elected the first Chairman of the PLO.
In the 1950s, he says the following about the nation of Palestine:

In the1950s, there was never an attempt to create a Palestinian state, from any Arab politician. The question was how to destroy Israel.
From 1964 on, the Arab side began to explore the possibility
of creating a Palestinian national identity in the West Bank and Gaza
But it was only after the Six Day War in 1967, that a Palestinian people and a Palestinian state became part of the Arab agenda.

But the story we are told to day, is that the Palestinians lost their land “Palestine”.
The Western powers and the UN, gave it to the Jews in 1947
The truth is that the Arab world have reincarnated "the nation and people of Palestine" to fight the Jewish heritage of the Land of Israel, and more than 50 Muslim countries are particularly active in the UN to communicate this message.

The strange thing with many UN resolutions is, that over time, they may undergo a transformation and a rebirth.
Resolutions that Arab countries have rejected, and tried to bury, has suddenly found new life in the struggle against Israel.
UN Resolution 181, "Partition Plan for Palestine,"
was rejected and strongly condemned by the Arab countries in 1947.

In 1988, the PLO launched a Palestinian independence declaration, where they sketched a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital.
The foundation for this state was strangely enough the UN Resolution 181, which the Arab Palestinian leadership and the Arab League rejected in 1947.
And the PLO charter of 1964, strongly condemns.
They claimed that UN Resolution 181, still gave international legitimacy to a Palestinian state.
Today, the majority of UN member states have accepted this understanding of the resolution, and is working hard to create a Palestinian state.

Let us again look into the past of this country.
When General Alenby conquered Jerusalem  Dec.1917, and later conquered the part of the Ottoman Empire, which became the British mandate of Palestine, this land had been ruled by the Turkish Ottomans for four hundred years.
It was a thinly populated country, where the rural population for the most parts were Bedouins. In the towns and villages, the population consisted of different religions and nationalities. Most were Muslim and Christian Arabs, but there were also many Jews, Druz, Armenians, Circassian from the Caucasus etc. so the people in the area could hardly be called a nation.

Today Arabic influences has led the United Nations and the world community to accept a Palestinian people who have lost their land.
In particular, they have used the Palestinian refugees' situation in the Middle East refugee camps, to promote the Palestinian cause.
But from the Palestinian authorities (PA) the people in the refugee camps in the West Bank and Gaza, will continue to be refugees, as long as they can’t be resettled in Israel.
The Palestinian refugee problem was created by the Arab states in 1948
Five Arab nations launched a war in 1948 to remove the tiny Jewish state, and the Arab states are responsible for the Palestinian refugee problem.
The Palestinians, who fled to Gaza and the West Bank, were placed in refugee camps without citizenship in their own country, in the area the UN had intended to become an Arab Palestinian State.
The Arab countries' treatment of the Palestinian refugees should really be considered a criminal act.
While the rest of the world's refugees is placed under the UN High Commissioner, the Palestinian refugees have their own refugee organization UNRWA, that arose out of the pressure from the Arab states, and received support by Folke Bernadotte, the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Arab–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948.
UNRWA have completely different rules than all the refugees under the UN High Commissioner. The Palestinian refugees will be refugees forever if they can't be resettled in Israel

(Palestinian refugees and the UNRWA organization.)

Yasser Arafat used to call himself: “a palestinian refugee

The problem with the Arab population living in areas that were intended for the Jews could easily been solved with a little Arab cooperation.
In the 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey
500,000 Muslims in Greece, and 900,000 Orthodox Christians (including 50,000 Armenians) from Turkey was exchanged.
And some millions Hindus and Muslims were exchanged between India and Pakistan in 1949, with acceptance from the Muslim states in the UN.

Approximately 700,000 Palestinian Arabs chose to flee the fighting in1948-49. 
At the same time 850,000 Jews chose to leave the Arab countries
because of Arab hostility and massacres. 600,000 of them fled to Israel
These Arab Jews must also be included in the refugee list.

Let's do a little summary of the international community's efforts to create a Palestinian state:
In 1922, the English government laid the foundation for a Palestinian Arab state, Jordan.
In 1937, the Peel Commission attempted to form a Palestinian arab state west of the Jordan River, which was rejected by the Arabs
in 1947, the international community tried to create a the second Palestinian Arab state in the same area, which was rejected and destroyed by the Arab countries.

In 2000, President Clinton invited Arafat and the Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, to negotiations in Camp David, 
in an attempt to create a Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza. They could actually obtained a large state in this area in 1947, if they had not rejected the offer.
Barak was willing to cede 95% of the West Bank and 100% of Gaza to establish a Palestinian state.
The Palestinians could have had this state by now,

but Arafat said no! 
and according to his wife Suha, he started the intifada. His suicide bombers killed and maimed a large numbers of Israelis.
Arafat was the modern godfather of terrorism, with airplane hijackings, car bombs and killing of civilians. Today, we have to go through a security check at every airport, because of Arafat.
And imagine, the Norwegian Nobel Committee gave him the peace prize, immediately after the Oslo agreement, without any sign of peace so far in the area.
Through the Oslo accord, Arafat got transferred 40,000 terrorists from Tunis to the West Bank and Gaza, terrorists from Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas
In retrospect, it has been proven through the intifada he started after Camp David negotiations, that he had no intention of making peace with Israel.
But if Arafat had any thoughts of peace with Israel, he would quickly become regarded as a traitor by the majority of the Muslim countries, and would have had the same fate as President Sadat of Egypt, who was assassinated in 1981.

And why should the international community constantly keep on with this dance around the negotiating table, to create yet another Arab state?
Today, the Arabs have 21 states, and the truth is that the Palestinian Arabs already have a country.

Jordan is Palestine, said king Hussein of Jordan.
But the truth also is, that if the Palestinian leadership and the Muslim world accept Jordan as a Palestinian state, then it will be difficult for the Muslim world to fight on to eliminate Israel.
So the creation of a Palestinian national identity is only a pretext to continue the struggle against Israel.

It's nice when people tell the truth, like Zuheir Moshen do.
The Palestinian sense of identity is not very strong, according to him

This lack of Palestinian identity is made ​​highly visible by the Hamas minister of the interior and of national security, Fathi Haamad
He appeared on Egyptian television March 23. 2012, and spoke clearly that large numbers of the Palestinian people had immigrated from Egypt and other Arab countries, and this consciousness was still strong among Palestinians. 

 Link to this video

Recommend to watch this video
What unites the people of the Middle East, is an Arab identity, and perhaps even more, a Muslim identity
The conflict in the Middle East is mainly a religious conflict. This is not difficult to recognize when you see the commitment from the entire Muslim world,
and Hamas openly acknowledge this in their charter

 The Muslim world is trying to deny Israel's historical connection to Jerusalem and Palestine. 
Arafat claimed during the Camp David negotiations, that it never ever had been a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount.
But recently we have seen that they do not just try to deny the Jewish connection to the 

land, but that they even try to usurp the Jewish religion as well,

In this video Dr. Omar Jaara at the University of Nabulus says, that
Moses led the Muslims out of Egypt, and started the first fight for a Palestinian homeland.

If there was ever any doubt about the Palestinians' intentions, there won't be after you watch this video. Peace was never their end game. Talk of peace was their means to an end. An end to Israel.

Today, Arabs from the Middle East flows into Europe,

and although they are a minority population in Europe today, they demand that their culture should also apply to us Europeans.

From the time of Mohammed, Muslims have conquered other people's land.

The Libyan Colonel Gaddafi strongly believed that the Muslim world would conquer Europe

We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.

And Muslims in Britain, will make Bucingham palac into a mosque

But when the Jews have become the majority in a small area in the Middle East, the Muslim countries become very upset and appalled:

That Jews have gradually invaded the country and have become a majority population in the state of Israel,
to the Muslim world, with its double standard, this is totally unacceptable, and is portrayed as a criminal offense.


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